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Community FAQ

Below are a few frequently asked questions from Residents:


If a streetlight is not operating in your community, please call the City of Calgary at 3-1-1 and they will send someone to check on the problem.


Side yard fences may be a minimum of 1.2 meters (4 feet) in height to a maximum of 1.8 meters (6 feet). If the height of the side-yard fence differs from that of the rear fence, a gradually stepped design is required to integrate the two heights. Fencing height is set out by municipal bylaws.

There may be materials specified in the Architectural Guidelines for a particular community, thus these guidelines should be referenced first. The basic rule of thumb regarding the aesthetic of your fence is that it ought to coordinate with other fences within the area in design and colour. What this really means, is you should discuss your plans with your neighbours.

All fences backing onto open space or roads are constructed within the homeowner’s lot. Maintenance of these fences falls to the property owner for both sides of the fence. Maintenance of all other fences located on the perimeter of a lot is the responsibility of each property owner for their own side of the fence. 


Depending on the stage of development in your area, this could fall to either the developer for maintenance or to the municipality. Typically 2 years after construction is substantially complete in an area, the municipality will do a walk through and sign off on the future maintenance of items constructed by the developer. This process applies to pathways, walkways, parks and other public spaces. Up until the time when the municipality takes over it is the responsibility of the developer to clear pathways and to maintain parks and green spaces.

Please refer to the City of Calgary for any road snow removal questions. You can find more details here:

Please click on the RSHOA MAINTENANCE MAP for a look at the areas of maintenance responsibility.

The streets of any new subdivision in the City of Calgary are designed to be in compliance with an approved Stormwater Management Plan to handle severe rainstorms. Ponding areas are designed and constructed to temporarily hold back runoff so that areas downstream do not receive large quantities of stormwater/snowmelt all at once.

To assist the underground pipe system during a rainstorm, temporary stormwater storage sites called “Trap Lows” are designed into the streets, lanes and even parks to accommodate a high volume of water. These pending areas eventually drain down slowly (up to 24 hours) and are designed so that the detained water does not enter any buildings. The ponding may encroach into the lot or driveway and remain there for a while. Do not panic if you see water rising in your street, or even in your driveway, during a fast rainfall. Predetermined grading plans are followed at the time of construction to ensure the water will flow towards the Trap Low and slowly drain into catch basins once the rain subsides. There is an easement registered on any lot that will have temporary ponding on it. This easement is registered in favour of the City/Town/Municipality and legally permits the ponding to occur on the lot.

Should you have concerns that there may be a blockage preventing the ponding to drain slowly into the catch basins, as stated above, report your concern to The City of Calgary by dialing 311.


Please do not swim or skate on ponds in your community unless a sign indicates you may do so. These ponds are for rainwater and snow melt, thus the movement of water through the pond causes ice to remain thin and the water unsafe for swimming.

Calgary’s storm-drainage system has over 150 storage ponds. These ponds hold water that exceeds the capacity of the underground storm-drainage pipes. About half of these are wet ponds, which hold water all the time.

Storm ponds are designed to a certain depth to prevent anaerobic conditions, such as those that may promote odours. Storm ponds usually consist of a forebay that allows silt in the incoming water to settle and be treated naturally within the pond. There are also areas where water is retained and in high water events the water is released slowly underground. Ultimately, run off from storm ponds will end up in our river system. Storm ponds also do not stay stagnant. There may be small areas around the perimeter of the ponds that appear stagnant, however there is movement (although not usually significant) within the pond during a rainfall event.

Please refer to the STORM POND document for more information about Storm Ponds. Further information on storm ponds can be found at the City of Calgary website at

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Redstone Homeowners' Association News

Dear Redstone Homeowner,

Please see attached for the updated budget for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year for the Redstone Homeowners’ Association (RSHOA). The Board of Directors reviewed the existing contracts and prior year actuals to create a budget with an increase of 9.09%. The increase equates to a $10 increase for homeowners over the prior fiscal year. The increase was necessary due to the rising cost of goods and services, and we believe that the increase is necessary to cover the homeowners association costs and invest in the services that are offered to residents.

The RSHOA fees for the 2024-2025 fiscal year are a total of $126.00. This is comprised of a $120.00 fee plus GST. The 2024-2025 RSHOA fees will be due on May 31, 2024. Please note that interest charges will begin accumulating on overdue accounts after June 1st, at a rate of 18% per annum, calculated half-yearly.

To make payment convenient and secure, we have included a pre-authorized debit form that can be completed to ensure your annual fee is deducted directly from your bank account, thus avoiding any delays and interest charges for the upcoming fiscal year, along with future contributions. (Note: A Void Cheque must also be included). Alternatively, those who would like to pay their fee through Rentcafé, are welcome to do so for the upcoming fiscal year.

Why is there an increase in the HOA fee?

This marks the inaugural year of our contributions to a reserve fund that replaces features that fall under the HOA’s maintenance purview, such as brick walls, entry features, picnic tables, and benches. By increasing the annual fees by $10 annually, we can ensure the availability of funds for repairs and replacements when necessary.

What is the purpose of a reserve fund and why is it necessary?

A reserve fund is a designated account reserved for the specific purpose of replacing features that fall under the HOA’s maintenance responsibility. With the Developer no longer providing support, the HOA is now solely accountable for the upkeep and renewal of these features. Establishing a reserve fund is crucial to preserving the existing features within our community and preventing their deterioration.

Why is the HOA fee in Skyview significantly lower than ours?

Skyview benefits from a larger number of households contributing to their HOA, primarily due to the presence of numerous condo complexes and multi-family units within their jurisdiction. In contrast, Redstone is comprised mostly of single-family units and townhouses, resulting in lower population density and HOA contributions. This discrepancy in household numbers accounts for the disparity in fees between Redstone and Skyview.

What contributions has the HOA made to the community?

The HOA oversees all landscaping efforts within the community. Were you aware that our landscapers maintain over 3.5 km of pathways during winter, a service that would otherwise not be provided by the city? Additionally, they conduct bi-weekly garbage collection along the pathways during the summer months exclusively within Redstone, in addition to tending to grass, shrubs, garden beds, and planting flowers (look out for new flowers in the roundabouts soon!). They also maintain freestanding flower pots with a variety of summer blooms.

Please note that this will be the final year this notification will be sent in its printed form. Please make sure to update your contact information, including email, with Equium at

To ensure you stay informed and connected, please visit the RSHOA website at Periodic news and information will be sent via email. Please make sure we have your correct email address by sending an email to and kindly include your property address in the subject line.


Equium Group
On behalf of Redstone Homeowners’ Association (RSHOA)